Friday, May 4, 2018

Friday Feature: A History of EI/ECSE in the United States: A Personal Perspective

It's been a while since we've done a #FridayFeature -- here's an article hot off the (cyber)press:

A History of EI/ECSE in the United States: A Personal Perspective
by Diane Bricker, Huichao Xie, Sharon Bohjanen

An interesting read on the evolution of the Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education field... Download the PDF here.

Bricker et al (2018) wrote: "service delivery has been predominately a “patchwork” of separate and nonaffiliated offerings across communities" (p. 12).

Questions to think about:

  • Does this "patchwork" of separate/fragmented services ring true in your EI community? What have some of your experiences and challenges been like?
  • What needs to change? What are your ideas for implementing coordinated, comprehensive, and cohesive services for young children and families?
  • What can YOU do as an EI practitioner or program to move towards more cohesive services? 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Social-Emotional Toolkit from Brookes Publishing

While we Early Interventionists have been letting go of our "toy bags", it doesn't mean we can't have resources in our toolkits!

Here's a new resource on social and emotional development from Brookes Publishing:

"Early identification of social-emotional challenges can make a huge difference in the life of a young child. With this free toolkit, you’ll get more than 25 pages of resources that help you conduct successful screening with ASQ®:SE-2, the trusted, widely used social-emotional screener for children from 1 month to 6 years.
Use these tip sheets, parent handouts, and activities to effectively implement ASQ:SE-2, involve families in the screening process, and boost a child’s social-emotional development between screenings. Whether you’re new to social-emotional screening or looking to enhance your current system, these resources will help you make the most of ASQ:SE-2—and ensure that the children in your program have the best chance at success in school and life."

Get your FREE Social-Emotional Toolkit from Brookes Publishing HERE.

Telepractice Resources

Many DEC Early Intervention Community of Practice (CoP) members have asked for telepractice resources as temporary changes in how we provide...